Hopefully this helps someone as it was driving me insane for the last few weeks. Every time I clicked the Empty Spam button via WordPress comments it would just redirect me to my website root. Server Error logs, wp_debug produced nothing - no errors or issues of any kind. The WP Super cache emptying Cache shortcut would also produce the same result.
After comparing My WHM powered server with another one the difference appeared to be with Mod_security and the ruleset used. The Hit List log didn't tell me a great deal and deciphering a potential problematic ruleset started becoming tedious - lets just get rid of it.
The Server exhibiting this behavior had the Cpanel default OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set enabled in Modsecurity.
The Server without this issue had the more extensive Comodo ModSecurity Ruleset applied.
After disabling OWASP and replacing it with Comodo the problem magically went away. You can find the details how to add this ruleset right here which should take the best part of 10 seconds: Comodo ModSecurity Ruleset WHM/CPANEL.
Thunderbird not importing Outlook Fix
Not sure why this hasn't been fixed by mozilla yet but the latest versions of Thunderbird will not import from Microsoft Outlook at all.
To do this you need to install version 31.8.0 which can be found right here: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/31.8.0/win32/en-US/
After you have imported you can update to the latest version without issue.
Australian Bookkeeping Project: Books OnSite
Booksonsite is a relatively new project I was working on a few months ago which required taking a proprietary closed source html based website and converting it to something a bit more user friendly.
Converting websites to be mobile friendly is still one of my biggest requests with around 80% of web development time dedicated towards it.
Web Features:
Mobile Friendly: Books OnSite is now completely responsive and mobile ready. This means that regardless what device you are browsing with, Books Onsite will look great at all resolutions.
Simplified: The whole design has been re-worked in order to provide visitors with a slicker, unified and easy to navigate interface.
Development Features:
Built on WordPress using the Genesis Framework
Customised Homepage News Scroller built just for this website.
Customised Hierarchy, Taxonomy and Permalink system.
Custom Post Types for Locations using Yoast Local SEO.
Automated Redirection based on old permalinks - this was a bit difficult due to the old website having multiple versions of the same url - and both upper and lower case.
When a business provides services to multiple localities, having an option like Local SEO is a real timesaver rather than having yourself or a client do things manually. In regards to Books Onsite, all serviceable locations are given their own url via a Locations Custom Postype i.e Sydney Bookkeeping, Melbourne Bookkeeping or even Regional Bookkeeping. Each location can then be given separate business hours, phone numbers, staff members and map data all output in google friendly Schema.org format.
WordPress: Redirect to Taxonomy
In rare situations, removing the WordPress single page format (single.php) and redirection to a parent such as a taxonomy can have massive advantages, especially if you have continuously expiring content. This is a solution I came up specifically for use with The Couponic.
Coupons are their own post type (coupons_type) and this code redirects them to a Store based Taxonomy
This quick solution which can be added to your themes functions.php file:
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_single_coupon' );
function redirect_single_coupon()
is_singular( 'coupons_type' )
and wp_redirect( '../',301 )
and exit;
Couponic Australia: Updated
Out with the old, in with the new. Couponice.com.au is no more - instead we have re-branded to The Couponic by simply removing the e.
This update has been a long time coming so and here it is:
The Couponic still offers the same coupon only goodness you have come to expect albeit now with more responsiveness.
Web Features:
Mobile Friendly: The Couponic is now completely responsive and mobile ready. This means that regardless what device you are browsing with, the Couponic will look great at all resolutions.
Simplified: The whole design has been re-worked in order to provide visitors with a slicker, unified and easy to navigate interface.
Community Centric: Couponic is completely human powered and is supported by its members. The rating system is currently in development mode but should it definitely should help rank our codes more gracefully.
Store Representatives: In order to make the distinction between Community and Store Representatives, Merchants and Shops can now also submit their own coupons for a small fee, hopefully this helps the massive amount of irrelevant submissions we were getting without excluding actual Aussie shops.
Flash Coupon Click to Copy: Flash is no longer supported on Android Tablets and mobile devices and has never been supported on any Apple IOS device. Time to say goodbye to Adobe/Macromedia Flash. In its place, A coupon window will pop up with the code displayed for easy reference.
Development Features:
CSS only Menu, Twitter Bootstrap is awesome.
Tabs utilised with specific custom queries.
Customised Hierarchy, Taxonomy and Permalink system.
Community Focused and Coupon Only, not a fan of generic type deals.
Taxonomy Pages rewritten to allow for various sorting abilities Example: The Iconic Coupons: Tabbed Active and Unreliable Section, comment system and quick help guide.
The Couponic is built on the Responsive Coupon Framework by Mark Fail of Premiumpress fame albeit with some major edits. I completely customised the gallerypage in order to create a solution for expired and deleted posts. WordPress Taxonomy has been customised to prevent thin content and extend the user interface.
When WordPress finally decides to extend Taxonomy Meta to match the likes of Drupal, this will make life much easier creating websites like this.
Pre-Order Australia: A new project
I have recently been toying around with a little project of mine called Pre-Order Australia which is now live: Pre Order AU
I have always loved new stuff and considering I live and breath gadgets and tech, creating a website based on this rather expensive hobby seemed like a great idea if not something to make it even more expensive.
As far as I can see, Pre-Order.com.au is the only focused website of its kind in Australia. It has been created to be Community centric with the ability for anyone to submit a pre-order deal or offer just for Aussie users.
Built on WordPress
Sports a Community Forum which is a little baron at the moment
Custom Taxonomies: data can be sorted via product or store.
First website I have completed that incorporates red as a primary colour; Well relatively red 🙂
Remove Pagination from Appthemes Clipper
This one was doing my head in for a while. I wanted to remove the coupon pagination from the WordPress theme Clipper and most of the suggestions via their forum involved commenting out the pagination function or creating a separate index loop. Crazy stuff, creating separate index files is an exercise in disaster and commenting out the code in general will remove pagination site wide; something I definitely did not want.
With wordpress, there is always a function for that and this issue is no exception. How to Remove Pagination the easy way using the WordPress remove_action filter:
If you have an Australian based website and would like to monetize it, there are a number of great Aussie affiliate networks to work with. Matching related advertising to your audience is a must, there is no point in marketing a US online shop when most of your traffic is Australian based.
In no particular order here is a selection of the best Aussie networks to join:
Commission Factory
The newest major affiliate network in Australia, Commission Factory was created to fill the growing need within Australia for an network that is committed to merchants and affiliates, and their forever growing need for fast, reliable and simple interfaces that allow them to maximise their earnings and potential.
Commission Monster/ Viva 9
Founded in Melbourne ( Australia), the Company has been providing excellent proprietary Commission Monster Technology and infrastructure tools and services to advertisers and advertising agencies since 2003. Commission Monster® meets all of your online advertising needs providing a fully developed pay-for-performance service where you determine the performance criteria. One of the best Australian orientated networks to join with some big clients.
ClixGalore is one of Australia's biggest Affiliate Marketing networks which makes it easily build and start your own 'sale - CPA', 'lead - CPL', or 'click - CPC' based Affiliate program. clixGalore works seamlessly with 99% of all shopping carts and stores.
Digital River's oneNetworkDirect affiliate network, developed with the goal of being a top affiliate network, specializes in the software and digital marketplace. It doesn't matter where you live or who your audience is, software can be bought globally and OneNetworkDirect has some of the biggest software clients and features the largest selection offered online today.
For more networks dedicated to Australians, please check out ozaffiliate.com.au which also lists smaller networks and Stores with their own in house affiliation program.
Google Wave invites
Post a comment here if you would like to tryout the new online communication and collaboration tool, Google Wave.
Google Wave is an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation
and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.