Hopefully this helps someone as it was driving me insane for the last few weeks. Every time I clicked the Empty Spam button via WordPress comments it would just redirect me to my website root. Server Error logs, wp_debug produced nothing - no errors or issues of any kind. The WP Super cache emptying Cache shortcut would also produce the same result.
Damn you Empty Spam button!
After comparing My WHM powered server with another one the difference appeared to be with Mod_security and the ruleset used. The Hit List log didn't tell me a great deal and deciphering a potential problematic ruleset started becoming tedious - lets just get rid of it.
The Server exhibiting this behavior had the Cpanel default OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set enabled in Modsecurity.
The Server without this issue had the more extensive Comodo ModSecurity Ruleset applied.
After disabling OWASP and replacing it with Comodo the problem magically went away. You can find the details how to add this ruleset right here which should take the best part of 10 seconds: Comodo ModSecurity Ruleset WHM/CPANEL.
Australian Bookkeeping Project: Books OnSite
Booksonsite is a relatively new project I was working on a few months ago which required taking a proprietary closed source html based website and converting it to something a bit more user friendly.
Converting websites to be mobile friendly is still one of my biggest requests with around 80% of web development time dedicated towards it.
Web Features:
Mobile Friendly: Books OnSite is now completely responsive and mobile ready. This means that regardless what device you are browsing with, Books Onsite will look great at all resolutions.
Simplified: The whole design has been re-worked in order to provide visitors with a slicker, unified and easy to navigate interface.
Development Features:
Built on WordPress using the Genesis Framework
Customised Homepage News Scroller built just for this website.
Customised Hierarchy, Taxonomy and Permalink system.
Custom Post Types for Locations using Yoast Local SEO.
Automated Redirection based on old permalinks - this was a bit difficult due to the old website having multiple versions of the same url - and both upper and lower case.
When a business provides services to multiple localities, having an option like Local SEO is a real timesaver rather than having yourself or a client do things manually. In regards to Books Onsite, all serviceable locations are given their own url via a Locations Custom Postype i.e Sydney Bookkeeping, Melbourne Bookkeeping or even Regional Bookkeeping. Each location can then be given separate business hours, phone numbers, staff members and map data all output in google friendly Schema.org format.
WordPress - Post to Page?
I was searching for some way to convert a WordPress post (a blog entry) to a page (static content) without the need to edit individual database entries: 'post_status' column - from 'publish' to 'static' etc when I came across p2pConverter
Wonderful guys these plugin writers!
Converts either a static Page into a Post, or a Post into a static Page!
Just click on the Manage tab in the Admin interface, and click the Posts or Pages sub-tab. Within that page you will see an extra column, with a Convert! option. If you want to convert a page or a post to the either, click that link! Or you can click Convert while editing a post or page in the bottom right side bar.
There is an interesting article on Compass designs which asks the question: Does WordPress have better out of the box SEO than Joomla?
Out of the box the results are not apparent, but with a bit of 2 minute tweaking what would happen?