WordPress: Redirect to Taxonomy

In rare situations, removing the WordPress single page format (single.php) and redirection to a parent such as a taxonomy can have massive advantages, especially if you have continuously expiring content.  This is a solution I came up specifically for use with The Couponic.

Coupons are their own post type (coupons_type) and this code redirects them to a Store based Taxonomy

This quick solution which can be added to your themes functions.php file:

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_single_coupon' );
function redirect_single_coupon()
is_singular( 'coupons_type' )
and wp_redirect( '../',301 )
and exit;


Pre-Order Australia: A new project

I have recently been toying around with a little project of mine called Pre-Order Australia which is now live: Pre Order AU


I have always loved new stuff and considering I live and breath gadgets and tech, creating a website based on this rather expensive hobby seemed like a great idea if not something to make it even more expensive.

As far as I can see, Pre-Order.com.au is the only focused website of its kind in Australia.   It has been created to be Community centric with the ability for anyone to submit a pre-order deal or offer just for Aussie users.
